Field Crew

We're looking for volunteers to join our Field Crew.  As you probalby know, our league is run by volunteers.  Without them, our league would cease to exist.  I know coaching or joining the board is a big commitment.  Some of you may want to help but struggle to find the time.  We are coming up with some ideas for people to help where they can and when they can, without the need to 100% commit each week.

What is the Field Crew?

We have an email distribution list for those that volunteer.  We will send emails out when we plan on doing things at our field such as:

  • Painting lines
  • Fixing Nets
  • Setting up fields for before / after games
  • Emptying Trash
  • Trimming bushes

The idea is for people to come when and if they can.  No need to commit to anything.  Just sign up to be aware of when we plan on being there to do work and join if you can.

Just let us know if you wan't to join our email list.  And let us know when you want to be removed from it.  Just email us at